Six Most In-Demand Careers this year

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released “The Future of Jobs” report, revealing what they expect as the most in demand jobs in 2020. With the workplace constantly evolving at its current rate, in as little as 5 years from now 35% of the skills seen as essential today will change. Here we take a look at the six areas of work that companies will be most likely trying to fill positions in for the coming year:

Data analysts provide businesses with insight into customer trends and behaviours and in turn drive highly effective decision making. As the workplace becomes more tech driven and fast paced, data analysts will play an increasingly important role in businesses.

Marketing Specialists

Marketing is a requirement for all businesses and 2020 will see more businesses finding the need to have one or more on marketing specialist on their team. The term “marketing” is used to explain a wide range of areas, but all are associated with highlighting and selling your company’s products and services.

Management Consultant

With competition being fierce in certain areas of business, companies are now looking to management consultants or analysts to propose ways to improve their company’s efficiency. A Management Consultant will advise on how to make the business more profitable through reduced costs and increased revenue.

Software Developers

Dublin.Careers.2020Businesses are using software to be more efficient and provide improved service for their customers. A software developer or computer programmer will play a key role in the design, installation, testing and maintenance of these new software system. This will increase in the new year as technology advances.

Product Designers and Creatives

The need for product designers and creatives has never been greater, companies need creatives that can merge people’s needs with products that they will want and love. A great designer will hugely benefit your business as they can generate and guide new product ideas that meet with your customers’ needs and preferences.

Teachers and Trainers

Training and development of employees is essential to maintaining productivity and profitability within your business. The coming year will see a rise in companies sourcing outside consultants and professional trainers.  These trainers will have up to date knowledge and experience in their area of expertise.