5 Podcasts You Must Listen to now

As podcasts have risen in popularity throughout much of 2019, everyone has started getting in on the action. Whatever your business concern, there is a podcast to soothe your worries. With so many out there to choose from, we have chosen five podcasts that we think are a cut above the rest and will offer solid honest advice, whatever your business concerns in 2020.

University of Adversity

Hosted by Lance Essihos, this podcast focuses on the challenges he and his guests have faced in business and how they overcame them. It offers advice on how to overcome your own challenges with an uplifting community. If you find that supportive community is what you need, then this is the podcast for you.

Wings of Inspired Business

Melinda Wittstock is the host of this podcast which interviews women who’ve “been there, built that”. These women are company founders, innovators, influencers and investors that provide actionable steps to other female entrepreneurs that are starting out or that are trying to overcome roadblocks.

GreenPlanet BluePlanet

If you are looking for inspiration and ideas for best practices for your business in relation to the environment, then this is the podcast for you. Host Julian Guderley speaks with guests regarding topics such as sustainability, consciousness, spirituality and symbiotic relationships.


Take the Leap

As any entrepreneur knows, taking that initial leap into the unknown when starting a business is terrifying. Host Tiffany Toombs invites guests who have both succeeded and failed in their leap. These guests offer advice using the lessons they learned in relation to self-sabotage, doubt and worry.

Everyday Wellness

Any business owner knows the gruelling hours that are required to set up and launch a business. Many sacrifices must be made but your health should not be one of them. This podcast is co-hosted by Cynthia Thurlow, an expert in nutrition and health psychologist and author Kelly Donahue. Together they provide practical advice on how to overcome daily stress, anxiety and worry with self-care and nutrition.