Six Project Management Systems For Remote Teams

In your business, there will be numerous projects that need to be planned, tasked and completed. If you are managing a remote team, it is essential that you have the correct systems in place to manage your team effectively. A good project management system will allow you to easily plan projects, manage schedules and time, manage budgets and transfer files.

With so many Project Management Systems available, we have narrowed it down to 6 of the best that will manage everything from lightweight tasks to complex projects.


Trello is an older project management tool which is still hugely popular, it was designed for short, lightweight projects and everyday assignments. It is a great system for start-ups, small teams and temporary projects, while being used by such big names as Adobe and National Geographic. It is a limited system though and if you have elaborate projects, it may not have the functionality to cope.



Basecamp is a great system for design and creative teams or client service businesses. It is best suited for resource planning and long-term scheduling. With this system, you can manage multiple users with a separate dashboard to allow you to show your client work progress. One of its great features is the “adoptional” concept, where team members don’t have to create an account and can collaborate very easily on an occasional basis. Groupon is just one well known company that have used this system.


This management system used by Air France and Yelp is a great tool for marketing or non-software development teams, Asana has more elaborate tools than the likes of Trello and allows teams create projects, assign work to teammates, create deadlines and communicate easily.


The project management system used by L’Oreal and Hootsuite, Wrike is a great system solution for media companies, Ad agencies, digital marketing companies or creative consulting businesses. With project management, collaboration, CRM, media handling and functional built in time tracking solution. This software will allow you to organise everything you need to complete your project in the one spot.


As one of the most popular project management systems out there and used by eBay, Airbnb and Spotify. Jira is great for larger companies that are working with more complex projects and needs a more customised task workflow. It provides multiple integrations with other popular tools such as Outlook, Salesforce etc. For smaller businesses or temporary projects, this may not be the best option as it takes longer to set up and training may be required.



This all-in-one management system is used by big name brands such as Uber, Starbucks and Google. It uses building blocks which are action cards that you can assign to a team member. Hive also has an email integration which will allow you to access your Gmail or Outlook accounts directly in the system. This system can also be integrated with other apps such as Google Drive or Slack.