Member Spotlight – Gianpaolo Rolando – Green Geek Hub

We recently had the pleasure to catch up with Gianpaolo Rolando the owner of Green Geek Hub. Gianpaolo shares with us his passion data analysis and strategic planning and AI.

So tell us about yourself and what led you to set up in business ?

I’ve a professional path behind me dotted with multiple opportunities, which have led me to range from IT to marketing and food & beverage, with a vocation for data analysis and strategic planning. I define myself as a visionary entrepreneur, who develops innovative ideas. I currently deal with strategic business consultancy with an eye always turned to sustainability issues and AI, at the same time I keep a careful eye on new opportunities, I’ve founded and led some entrepreneurial initiatives, leaving a significant impact in various sectors.

What are the types of services that you you provide and what problems that you solve for your customers?

Green Geek Hub’s services are focused on two pillars which have now become a point of reference for every entrepreneur. The first pillar is implemented on corporate strategic services, management control and sustainable practices. The second pillar focuses on the software development to support solutions for companies that exploit machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. We’ve developed interactive data collection dashboards for international clients to support company management. Our organization operates at a European level supporting the entrepreneur towards a new definition of the most sustainable business model, in an ethical and responsible way.

What is the most challenging aspect of running a business / working freelance?

The biggest challenge in managing a business, with a targeted service like the one we offer, is to be able to put all the bricks together, as if it were a Lego, to give timely and adequate answers to the customer. Data is not simple data but is fundamental information and values for the success of the business.

How do you stay inspired and motivated to run your business / work freelance?

We’re a business service company, each project is a new challenge for us, no project is ever the same as another, there are many factors that characterise it and being able to achieve the objectives and win the challenge gives us the motivation to guarantee the quality of our work every day. We adopt a win-win approach, we win the challenge and the client is successful in it business.

What one piece of advice would you share with other members on how to overcome business setbacks?

As Steve Jobs would say from his 2005 speech “I‘m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

Share your hidden gem about Dublin

In Dublin you can eat traditional food or drink a good beer in many places, but there are two places that I would recommend. For a great breakfast at O’Donoghue’s or a traditional meal in Northside at Madigans, it’s like stepping back into the past.

How can our audience get in touch with you?

The best and most efficient way to contact us is through our email address, our website or directly with me through my linkedin profile